Synopsys Day of Service at Groner K-8
September 28, 2018 - On Sat. Sept 22nd, volunteers from Synopsis technology met at Groner K-8 in conjection with an Eagle Scout project started by Century High student, Robby Stoddard. For his project, Robby transformed an old computer lab space turned storage room into a makerspace engineering lab. He organized a team of 35 scouts, students and community members to commit over 100 man-hours. Volunteers built storage shelves, removed posters from the walls, cleaned and set up tables, set up workstations and 3-D printers, and inventoried, organized and labeled over 100 bins of maker space materials. The new space was ready for students Monday morning. As told by Robby's mother Nicole, "The project was a wonderful leadership opportunity and way for Robby to give back to his alma mater. I couldn't be more proud of him!" Scroll down to see pictures.
Pictured above: Storage room BEFORE transformation. Pictured below: The room AFTER transformed into a makerspace engineering lab for students.
- Groner